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West Yorkshire Metro


West Yorkshire Metro is a public transport brand of the West Yorkshire Combined Authority responsible for the transport system (trains, buses, stations and cycling facilities) for West Yorkshire.

I worked with WY Metro and West Yorkshire Combined Authority (WYCA) for five years whilst working for Headland, a full-service web agency in Leeds.

The main brief was to consolidate a suite of sites into a single responsive platform, including the design and integration of the authority’s new e-commerce Tickets & Passes platform, creating a solution promoting the authority’s full range of travel cards.

The sites, systems and mobile interfaces needed to be simple to use while on the move, featuring seamless integration of back-end system data, real-time bus information and e-commerce functionality.

My Job was to perform technical project management from the supplier side working directly with both the clients' marketing team and IT team. 

My team was responsible for all developments. For example, we successfully created a responsive Tickets and Passes platform, integrating it with Metro’s eCRM back-office. The site launched with two initial products, the under 16 and 16-18 student cards, closely followed by the integration of a 19-25 travel card, Seniors passes and the M-Card, a generic travel card.

In addition, my team also had to work through hundreds of historical text based content to index and populate into the various sites. 

One of the pieces of work I am particularly proud of was taking the WY Metro timetable data which was stored within a legacy system only capable of producing files for print and developed a system which would parse the data into a real-time timetable API which was utilised to provide automated PDF's and viewable information on web and mobile devices.

I was responsible for technically delivering the project on time and on budget leading a development team of 4 in-house software developers on this project. Because of the vast amount of systems and processes in place, this was an ideal project to break down into a Scrum development. 

Project Details

An Integrated Set Of Fully Responsive Websites

Building on top of out-of-the-box CMS functionality

Sites Fully Content Managed Using Umbraco v8

Integration With Back-Office Systems

Agile Approach Using Scrum

E-commerce Integration

In-house Bespoke CRM Integration

Worked directly with WY Metro's IT and Marketing Team

Hosted Bi-Weekly Client Face To Face Meetings

Produced Regular Update Reports

Created Technical Documentation

Liaised With Third Party Service Providers