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23.5 Degrees - Starbucks Franchise


23.5 Degrees is the UK's biggest Starbucks franchise, having over 100 coffee shops they needed a site to showcase their stores and detail new and upcoming stores.

Mobile Phone Frame showing a starbucks store pageThe site showcases all the Starbucks restaurants owned by the franchise allowing each restaurant to publish images, information and links to online delivery services. 

In addition, the site provides information for landowners and developers on the 23.5 degrees building practices, as well as showcasing new stores opening soon. 

The site was designed by Marshalls Direct and I was approached by them to turn their flat Photoshop files into a fully content-managed website. 

The site was built with full content management facilities for the client, the company can update everything on the site including images, content, and articles, and even add new stores to the interactive map easily without any coding knowledge. I built the site in Umbraco using C# and set up the whole CMS System, creating custom code and CSS. 

The site is hosted on Umbraco's own cloud servers and is now maintained by the IT team in-house. 

Project Details

Company Size: Large

Type: Website Build

Time: 6 weeks



Responsive CSS and HTML 5

A C# Development

Umbraco 8 CMS

Hosted on Umbraco Cloud



Responsive Image Gallery

Interactive Content Managed Google Map

Contact Forms

Seperate Store Pages

